Hi, I’m Author Susan Joyner-Stumpf.  Being a Published Author and Certified Graphics Artist myself, I am always curious to uncover the artist BEHIND their work, whether it be a writer, artist who draws, musician and/or singer/songwriter.  Here on my site, Rhythm and Muse Artist Spotlight, I interview Artists of all genres and talk about their inspirations, their passions, their current endeavors and future projects.  If you’re looking for a good book to read, maybe you will find it after reading the Interview; or wanting to discover new art to look at and possibly buy?  Or music to listen to?  Come to Rhythm and Muse Artist Spotlight Interviews and meet the Artists that keep Art Alive and Breathing in our world today!!


Today we will be interviewing Nikki Anne Schmutz.



[Susan]           Nikki, hi, and thank you for coming today and allowing me to Interview you.  Could you please start off by telling us a little bit about yourself?


[Nikki]           Hello Susan! Thank you for having me! I am a poet and novelist, produced screenwriter, freelance poetry editor, and advocate against sexual violence. I have served as magazine editor-in-chief, literary website poetry editor, have recited poetry for the Eat Sleep Write podcast, and I currently read poetry for my YouTube Channel, Perfectly Written Pictures. But most of all I am a lover of all creative initiative and beauty in the world!


[Susan]          Nikki, that all sounds fantastic.  You wear many hats and they all look beautiful on you, you are a multi-dimensionally, multi-faceted Talented Creative Entrepreneur.  Just hearing all that you do wears me out, lol.  Please tell us when you started writing and why?


[Nikki]           I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was ten years old. When I was eleven my father bought a bookstore, that only enhanced my love of literature. I worked in his stores until I was married and had my first child. I read everything I could get my hands on! I started writing as a child, but started to seriously write in my late teens.


[Susan]          What a dream; to have a bookstore in the family.  I’m jealous, hehe.  Anyway, it seems it was destined in your genes for the literary world to open up to you and at such an early age, too.  Nikki, have you published any books and if so, how many?


[Nikki]           I have published four books.


[Susan]          Four books, that’s great.  And where do you publish your books?


[Nikki]           My first two books were novels, Found and Out of Step, and were published traditionally back in 2002. I spent many years as a screenwriter and had some success in that field – I had one film produced and a handful optioned. In 2012 I republished my novel Found on I published my first poetry collection, In Speaking Of…, in February 2014, followed by my second, Open Soul Window, in December 2015 (both on


[Susan]          My goodness, all this time I have known you and it just goes to show unless you have in-depth interviews like this, you really never truly know everything about someone.  I had no idea you were a successful Screenwriter and had a film produced.  That is uber-kool, Nikki.  I’m beyond impressed.  Ok, before I start getting star-struck here, lol, tell me, how important or critical do you think, are Titles and Book Covers?


[Nikki]           Having been in the book industry for 15 years, I understand how extremely important titles and book covers are! They are the first thing the reader sees! They are what grabs the eye either on the shelf or on the computer screen! Without a good title and cover the inside of your book never has a chance of being read.


[Susan]          I totally agree here, we’re on the same page with that.  It’s our first impression to make visual contact and we know how important that is!!  Who are your major influences and inspirations behind your own works?


[Nikki]           I’ve read tens of thousands of books, it’s actually hard for me to say just a couple of names that have influenced me more than others. It’s more of a mass effort. When I think of my influences, I see shelf after shelf of minds who wrote and changed the world with their words. I wouldn’t be who I am without ALL of them. They each have their place in my growth as a writer. When it comes to poetry, however, I really relate to Emily Dickinson as a person and poet.


[Susan]          I so agree, Nikki, it’s hard to narrow down to one, and Emily Dickinson for sure is an excellent muse.  Have you read any good books lately, and could you share that with us?


[Nikki]           I have to be honest and say that I don’t read as often these days as I used to. With four kids, my own writing, a day job, my Facebook groups, and my poetry editing, it’s hard to find the time. When I do read, I tend to brush up on my favorite 19th-century poetry or read YA novels as guilty pleasures!


[Susan]          I can imagine how hard it is for you to have some “downtime” lol.  You ought to try it some time, Nikki, it’s amazing and feels pretty good, hehe.  Anyway, tell us, is there is a recurring “theme” that runs through the vein of your writing?


[Nikki]           While my writing wanders through many themes, I commonly write about the healing journey of the soul. I explore darkness and light, pain and healing. I think we all desire self-actualization and are looking for the path to achieve that, we wish to find healing from the things in our life that have wounded us. I wish to give the world words of healing.


[Susan]          I love that; as I write in that vein as well since I’m becoming more spiritually in tune and as well wanting to help others heal.  I really need to get back to reading more of your work, especially those particular poems of which you speak.  Do you personally have a favorite poem by any writer that has inspired you?


[Nikki]           You know, it’s one we all read in school – but one I memorized and never forgot:



Invictus by W.E. Henley

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.




[Susan]          Oh yes ~ ~ yes, Nikki, that is epic!!!  Thank you for the reminder of such brilliance we all grew up on.  And to think you even memorized it.  Is there anything that you don’t do?  You make the rest of us look bad, you know that, right lol?  You are so full of surprises, girlfriend.  So, how do you go about choosing titles for your books, stories or poems?


[Nikki]           Usually I write first and title later. I really feel that you don’t know exactly what you will end up with when you begin. It’s important to allow your work to progress and evolve. I feel titling it before you start limits its blossoming ability.


[Susan]           I do it a multiple of ways, myself.  I think each poem dictates its own individual process of titling, and some ask not for one.


Do you write anything OTHER than strictly Poetry and which do you prefer?  The reason I’m asking is because I’ve always heard, strangely enough, that not all your well-known-established Novelists are Poets, but many Poets out there, like myself, are Prose writers, Songwriters, Short Story writers, and Novelists.  Do you know what I mean?


[Nikki]           I started out in poetry and spread out into everything else. I’ve written a little bit of everything! Prose, poetry, film, music, lyrics – you name it and I’ve dabbled!


[Susan]           Yes ~ writers are Dabblers, lol.  And you are a great dabble-ette, Nikki.  Can you tell us what you are currently working on?


[Nikki]           I have enough poetry written for three more books, which I know I will get to sooner or later, but the next projects I will be focusing on are an audio book of my poetry, a picture book of the poetry memes I put up on my social media sites, and prints of my poetry which will be available for purchase.


[Susan]          Audio books ~ how intriguing.  I can actually visualize your innovative mind just clicking away drawing new avenues to express your literary endeavors.  Nikki, how do you feel about sharing your work on Social Media?


[Nikki]           Social Media is my connection to the world! I adore the readers and fans I have come into contact with because of it. I have made so many lasting friends, worldwide (including you, Susan!).


[Susan]          Oh I’m so honored!!!  You are MORE than an inspiration, you are a MENTOR to many, I know.  How do you feel about entering contests and have you won any?


[Nikki]           I really haven’t entered many contests. I did win first place in the Trading Moon Poetry Contest in 2006 for my poem “What I Am.”


[Susan]           Yes, Poetry Contests concern me because too many feel that it’s a make or break of your writing career or status of talent and that’s not  true.


Nikki, do you know how a poem is going to end or do you just allow the poem to write itself?


[Nikki]           For me, writing a poem is a journey. Sometimes I know how I want it to end, but that doesn’t always mean that is how it turns out. I like to start out with a concept and explore it, turn it around, and give my reader a new way to look at it by the time they are at the end.


[Susan]          I like that … it is a journey.  You are so delightful, Nikki, I can’t even believe we are actually sitting here with you, I feel as though I’m in the presence of a Wise Owl, not to say you are a bird, lol, but a very wise entity indeed.


This may seem like a silly question, but I’m curious as to the others’ methods of madness.  Do you write your poems freehand in a notebook and then type it directly on the computer or straight smack on the computer or Cell phone, or all of the above, just depending?


[Nikki]           I used to write everything with a pen but have evolved along with technology. Gone are the days of writing on anything available – receipts, napkins, even my arm! I moved to a desktop computer, then to a laptop, and quite often use my iPhone. But, I still keep an old fashioned notebook around just in case!


[Susan]          Please tell me notebooks will never go defunct, lol, or just throw me out now with the Dinosaurs.  I love my trusty little pads, especially when I’m out and about and inspiration comes a’knockin when I’m in the middle of nowhere.


What genres do you write primarily:  Romance, Nature, Spiritual, Erotic, Horror-Thriller, Dark, etc.?  And I guess this question could also lead into any kind of personal “style” you have adapted as your signature, i.e., Free Verse, Traditional?


[Nikki]           I write a little bit of everything! I write mostly free verse, though I do like to rhyme from time to time when it strikes my fancy. I enjoy challenging myself with specific styles when I have the time. In my Facebook group I put up challenges and lessons teaching styles of poetry.


[Susan]          Yes, I write in a myriad of genres too, and I love learning new styles as well.


Nikki, we know you have family with children, maybe some pets crawling all over you; someone around perhaps who doesn’t understand your writing “zone;” do you require the need for private space with little to no distraction or does it not phase you?  Like TV or music in the background?  Telephone ringing off the hook?


[Nikki]           I have four kids and two dogs! I have trained myself to write in chaos. If I can’t focus in the chaos, then I stay up into the late night hours to write. It’s really the only time I get to myself. Sometimes I listen to music or leave the T.V. on, sometimes I need quiet. It really depends on the level of concentration I am in need of.


[Susan]          Yes I guess when you’re a busy mother like yourself, learning to write in chaos is imperative or else you’d have to rent office space somewhere, lol.  Which begs the question, is there a method to your madness, lol, as to your writing process?


[Nikki]           For me the writing process doesn’t feel like madness. It feels more like an untangling of everything that gets wound up inside me. It is my therapy. Many times when I write I am making sense of something I need to make sense of, or releasing something inside me that’s been needing to be released.


[Susan]          Yes, I too consider writing Therapy.  The only difference is, it doesn’t send me a bill at the end of the month nor dare tell me I’m crazy, lol.  In a few sentences, describe your life as a writer.  For instance, has anything changed or not at all?


[Nikki]           Writing used to be difficult and time-consuming, but for the last couple years, it really flows. I’ve hit my stride, found the place I belong, and it feels wonderful! I write daily, sometimes multiple times a day. But on days when life is too busy, I don’t pressure myself for not getting to it. These days, I see inspiration in so many places, I jot it down so I can come back to it later when I need inspiration to write.


[Susan]          I can relate to all that.  Nikki, would you like to see writing as a Profitable, Professional Career or is it more or less a hobby, a Labor of Love, at this point?


[Nikki]           I see writing as a career, and as an identity. It’s part of my being, but it’s more than that. I think we all need to figure out how to make money through our passions.


[Susan]          What a dream it would be, to make a living from our words.  I think we all share that innate passion.  Nikki, are people from your past, like Grammar School and High School, childhood friends, aware of what you have accomplished in the literary world?


[Nikki]           I am very active on social media, so many of my past friends see what I am doing. My closest friends are in contact with me and know firsthand.


[Susan]          Which brings me to my next question; how do your family and close friends feel about your writing, do they support you?  Are they proud?


[Nikki]           The level of support I feel from everyone around me is amazing! I write for me, but I keep writing for everyone else too. They encourage me and push me on during times when I don’t feel inspiration and when things are hard.


[Susan]          You are lucky to have such support Nikki.  I’m happy for you, for you sure do deserve it.  Ok, on the flip side of the coin, what do you say to those who thought you’d never get this far?  Or do you even care?


[Nikki]           I’ve had a few naysayers over the years, including a high school English teacher who said I would never be a good writer. It doesn’t matter to me what they think or said. I write because I want to, because it is part of me. I would write even if I was awful at it and no one wanted to read what I wrote. Turns out, I’m pretty good at it!


[Susan]          It’s hard to think that an English teacher would say such a thing to you; or that anyone could say that to another person, for that matter.  I think it’s awful and cruel, myself, but I hear you.  I’m very sorry, but you sure showed them and now, while YOU write beautiful words and are widely-KNOWN and admired for them, just think:  they are eating theirs now, lol, so that should be Poetic Justice at work!


Nikki, can you name one person whom you feel is instrumental in your success today as a writer, anyone you would like to personally thank for believing in you when no one else did?


[Nikki]           My paternal grandmother was a poet. She was always writing poems for her children and grandchildren. She believed in me even before I knew how to write and she encouraged me up until she died. She never saw me publish a book, but I know she would be proud.


[Susan]          She is very, very proud of you Nikki, how wonderful that she used to write and share with you and the rest of the family her special gift.  What does it feel like to know that tens of thousands of people could discover you and be touched and inspired by your work?


[Nikki]           It is simultaneously humbling and empowering. I only write what I feel in my soul, when I get messages from my readers, worldwide, telling me how I have touched them it affirms what I feel is my mission in life – to heal others through my words.


[Susan]          That is wonderful, just a rewarding feeling to know that we can touch a heart in Germany, or heal a broken Soul in Romania.


Is there anything you would like to say to your fans/followers and other aspiring writers out there who may want to follow in your literary footsteps?


[Nikki]           Write and read EVERYDAY. Developing this habit will influence and improve your craft beyond measure. And SHARE what you write. Always share. If you keep what you’ve written hidden you will never know your true potential.


[Susan]          Excellent Nikki!!  Now, you can MEET any famous person you want, dead or alive.  Who would it be?


[Nikki]           I would love to meet Emily Dickinson. We would have tea and talk about words and poetry. It would be lovely.


[Susan]          And I’d be in the next room and you’d all invite me in, right?  Lol.  What do you find the most CHALLENGING about writing?


[Nikki]           Consistency. I am a mother of four. Sometimes I have to write in a noisy house, but I do it. The more days I miss, the less I feel like writing.


[Susan]          Appears to me you have a handle on focus despite static in the background while you are weaving masterpieces.  What do you ENJOY most about writing?


[Nikki]           Writing for me is therapy. When I write, I expel all I hold inside. It’s my way of offloading all the emotions I bottle. It’s essential to me. But what I actually enjoy most is realizing that my therapy benefits others in tremendous ways.


[Susan]          We have a lot in common.  Maybe if I stick around longer, more will rub off on me, lol, God knows I need some help.  Alright, Nikki, tell us what do you think is the biggest misconception about Poetry or Poets in general today?


[Nikki]           People somehow think that poetry is easy to write. Poetry is more art than word. Poetry is passion formed into sentences. This takes effort and skill. You can’t just throw words out, you have to know what you’re doing.


[Susan]          Absolutely.  I always say Poets are Born, not Made.  Nikki, do you think Poetry is a dying art form because maybe it doesn’t get the attention and respect it deserves?  And if so, how would YOU go about changing that?


[Nikki]           Poetry will never die because poets will never let it. It may ebb and flow, but it will never fade completely. I share what I write, as well as teach and mentor others. This is my way of furthering the life of poetry.


[Susan]          And thank you for that, Nikki. I can’t think of a better Teacher/Mentor.  With you at the wheel, Poetry is safe.  For now.  Don’t stop what you are doing Nikki.  What are your chief interests and aspirations?


[Nikki]           Poetry is my passion! But I am interested in many other forms of writing as well as music and art. I am always searching out new ways to express myself and make a living doing it.


[Susan]          I don’t see when you find the time to sleep.  My goodness, I guess your dreams are full of one idea after another and you wake up exhausted, ready to go back to sleep from a night out of brainstorming in R.E.M., lol.


How on God’s Green Earth, Nikki, do you even find time to write?  You must have to steal the moments out of the ether.  Do you write every day?


[Nikki]           I write when I feel inspiration. If I don’t have time when the inspiration hits me, then I make a few notes and come back to it late at night or when I have a quiet moment during the day. Sometimes, though, I just push aside all the chaos and write anyway.


[Susan]          You need to write a book for the rest of us:  PUSHING ASIDE CHAOS FOR DUMMIES, lol.  What is the title of your latest book?


[Nikki]           My latest book is titled “Open Soul Window.”  I released it December 2015. It is my 2nd poetry collection and my fourth published book.


[Susan]          Love the catchy title.  See?  Titles are critical, I agree.  I would pick up your book because of the title if I didn’t know you.  But since I know you, I’d pick up that book if the name was NAMELESS, lol.


Nikki, when you’re NOT writing, where can we find you and what are you doing?


[Nikki]           I am reading, spending time with my kids and dogs, and being creative in any way possible!


[Susan]          Do you moonlight as the Energizer Bunny?  I do believe that is you in that costume, Nikki, lol.  Alright, give us the lowdown:  Do you like eBooks or physical books?  Or both?


[Nikki]           I prefer to hold a printed book in my hands but have grown to enjoy ebooks for their practicality.


[Susan]          I like a physical book.  Guess I’m old School, eBooks don’t cut it for me.  Nikki, suppose I’m reading on a Poetry Forum site.  Why would I stop and read yours out of fifty others?  How do you make sure YOU stand out above the rest?


[Nikki]           Most of my poems are shorter and take the reader on a journey. More often than not, I take a darker subject, look at it from many facets, then show the reader hope within in.


[Susan]          Well I have to tell you, I cheat.  Yeah, I’m a cheater-baby, because if I saw your name above a poem, I wouldn’t go Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo.  I’d step on the brakes and come to a screeching halt, right there, not pass go, don’t collect any $200, stay put right there and read your poem(s).


Moving along now, Nikki, do you promote and/or self-market your works, books?  If so, what avenue do you utilize to “put yourself out there” for exposure purposes?


[Nikki]           I utilize social media. It’s free and effective. Word of mouth is very effective! I post almost daily and very often make memes of my work that are frequently shared by my readers.


[Susan]          Don’t underestimate the power of Social Media, that is correct.  Nikki, is it possible to share a poem here of yours for the readers?


[Nikki]           Here is a poem I haven’t published in any of my collections as of yet:


Sunflower Dreams


In a barren field

I cast seeds

from my hands.


I leave them

to take root,

to grow beneath

their namesake

as a whisper

of my smile.


Remember me

when your gaze

settles on

the thousands

of sunflowers

I’ve left behind.


Walk beneath them,

bask in the grin

the flowers give

as their heads nod

in the breath

of Indian summer.



[Susan]           That’s the Nikki we all know and love.  That leaves me breathless and I know our readers will be enchanted.


Thank you for sharing that poem with us that doesn’t yet appear in any of your books.  Whooo hoo it’s a virgin, lol.  Nikki, is there anything else you’d like to add or share before we close?


[Nikki]           Only a thank you, to you Susan, for all you do for all of us poets in your circle of friends. You are wonderful!


[Susan]          It’s my honor to share this journey with all of you, Nikki.  I believe all us writers should support one another.  And I know you are a great supporter, too, highly inspirational and a grand mentor to so many, including me, and you don’t even know it, Nikki, or, maybe you do, the lives you touch.


Ok, getting all teary-eyed here.  Nikki, one last thing.  What would you like to be KNOWN for and how would you like to be best remembered for future generations?


[Nikki]           I would like to be known as a soul searcher, journeying into the unknown universe inside, looking for the healing we all need – healing of the soul.




You leave us with such endearment, Nikki.  Thank you for allowing us all here today to get to know the ARTIST behind their works.  I wish you tremendous success in all your endeavors.  I will be posting your Interview soon here on the Rhythm and Muse Blogsite, multiple Website Forums I’m on (Twitter, Google +, TSU, etc.), plus also on Facebook in several different places, of course with your permission.  Have a great day Nikki and thanks again so much for all your time.




Where the Artist can be found, their books, etc.:













  1. Nikki, thank you so much for sitting down (for ten minutes lol, I know that’s hard for you to do, hehe) and conducting this interview, giving us a sneak-peek into the Life of a very Busy Writer/Novelist/Screen Writer, Mogul of many beautiful hats and they all fit you, what do you know, lol. Thank you again, the honor and pleasure is ALL MINE.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan, that was an especially interesting interview with one of the finest poets I know. And I have told her so many times. You are a marvelous interviewer and make the facts very compelling and interesting reading. I agree with Nikki that you are a tremendous blessing to the whole poetic community. Thankyou also, Nikki, for opening up your creative life and allowing us a look into that special world. Love you and Susan with all my poetic heart——tom


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